понедельник, 17 февраля 2020 г.


The boards that came with Primary will be 'Promethean' ActivBoards which were designed for Education. This 'one' version Single User can be installed on the machine you wish to use with that kit, and 4 other machines, however, it can only be used with the purchased kit at any 1 time so, you can install on 5 machines, but only use it with one of those machines at any given time. Can I install on teachers laptops and let them use the Free Edition? Thanks for the clearing that up for me. Tags for this Thread activ , activinspire , inspire , licensing , promethean. Am totally confused, we have Activ IWB's over various years some 6 years old. Any pointers greatly appreciated. promethean activinspire personal edition

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ActivInspire Personal Edition - box pack - 1 user Specs

Activinepire Posted by cmssbrie. Any pointers greatly appreciated. Am totally confused, we have Activ IWB's over various years some 6 years old. Thanks to cmssbrie from: But I haven't a clue, some of our boards are rebranded Activ boards to e. Licensing help please By sparkeh in forum Windows.

ActivInspire Licensing

I was just in the process of running a manual install of ActivInspire when I noticed something in the license agreement: You are not permitted however to update from PX to Inspire Proffessional Edition - only the personal edition will be allowed editino these systems. Results 1 to 15 of The time now is Can I install on teachers laptops and let them use the Free Edition?

Hi, For Inspire Licensing, there are 4 main 'rules'. Originally Posted by CyberNerd. Tags for this Thread activactivinspireinspirelicensingpromethean.

This 'one' version Single User can be installed on the machine you wish to use with that kit, and 4 other machines, however, it can only be used with the purchased kit at any 1 time so, you can install on 5 machines, but only use it with one of those machines at any given time. ActivInspire By russdev in forum Educational Software.

The Whiteboard Blog - has anybody done this or know how to get hold of them?

Inspire personal edition can go on any system at all - so yep in answer to your question - the Free edition is fine on all machines. Thanks for the clearing that up for me. Last edited 22nd September at Thanks for all that info ccsmbrie!

promethean activinspire personal edition

Licensing By thom in forum Educational Software. The boards that came with Primary will be 'Promethean' ActivBoards which were designed for Education.

ActivInspire Personal Edition - box pack - 1 user Specs - CNET

Any machine with Primary installed, you are permitted to upgrade to Inspire Proffessional personsl. As a school we were using PX and before than Boardmate, so when we got newer boards we never installed Primary as the newer boards account to less than 10 in the school, to keep a consistency accross the board for the teachers we didn't want some using Primary and some using PX so we keep PX.

promethean activinspire personal edition

I honestly don't know! Hi Stevo, This is where it gets a bit complicated! They came without Activ Primary, some of our newer ones did less than 10 I would say The original boards came with Activ PX software which is really basic, but am wanted to upgrade to Inspire if possible. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last Jump to activinsppire If the Free Edition is good then thats the plan.

promethean activinspire personal edition

Hope this helps, but let me know if I can get you any more info.

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